Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Peace be unto thy soul.

We have kept this quiet for a while now, but a while back, we were contacted by someone who was considering placing her baby for adoption.  Her circumstances at the time, led her to believe that it might be her best choice.  We were excited to think of the possibility.  Because of circumstances beyond our control, we couldn't talk about it much.  In the last few weeks she started pulling away and we begin to wonder if she had made her decision.  We found out recently that the baby was born, and doing well and that she had decided to raise her child.

Adoption is such a hard thing at the best of times.  So much about it is out of our control.  I am doing my best to realize that Heavenly Father is in control though.  He can't force his children to make certain decisions but he will support all of those who are affected by this decision.  Even though we have felt for a little while that it was a possibility that this would NOT be our child, the hope, the desire to be parents is always there.  We hold no judgement on this girls choice, except possibly the hurt that she didn't trust us enough to let us know.  Then again, she knew how much we want to be parents, and probably didn't want to be the one who hurt us.  We will grieve for a while, but we are also determined to move forward.  We trust that Heavenly Father has a plan for our family.  We know that when the circumstances are right, we will be blessed with our child.   But until we can get past this time of sadness and disappointment, please bear with us.  We are doing our best to trust in the Lord, but at the same time we feel a loss.  Hugs and kind words are appreciated.  Thank you to the one who reached out to us and gave us some closure.  It is appreciated.   Right now we are spending a lot of time on our knee's and we feel His comfort.  We also appreciate your prayers.

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