Monday, July 4, 2011

Proud to be an American!!

Yesterday in church we sang the "Star Spangled banner" as our closing hymn. As we stood and sang those moving words, I thought about the many men and women who have served our country and who continue to serve.  My dad was one of those men.  He was proud of his time served.  He is buried in the Veterans section of the cemetary in California, and I hope someone places a flag on his grave today.
We have a nephew in the Marines at present and I am proud of him as well.  We look forward to the days when we can raise a family, take them to the 4th of July parade in Riverton, when they can watch Daddy set off fireworks and play on the lawn of our brother in laws home, while we wait for the city fireworks.  I want them to grow up in a land where they can choose where to attend church, where they can be free to vote and make decisions in their community.  I have lived out of the country before, and although I have a great love for those other lands, I value the freedoms of the USA.
Today and every day I am proud to be an American. 

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