Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Its been too long since I have written.. Maddi keeps me pretty busy! On May 5th we went to Family Court and Maddi's adoption was finalized. Now we count down the days until we take her to the temple this weekend and she becomes a part of our forever family.

As a Member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, we are taught from the time we are small that we will grow up and attend the temple. That our greatest desires and dreams are to be a part of a eternal family. My parents were not sealed in the temple when they were married because my dad was a new convert. I was 11 years old when I was sealed to my parents in the Los Angeles Temple. I remember the beautiful white dress that the Temple workers found for me to wear, and how pretty my mom looked all in white. I remember that I was excited to be there and I felt the spirit strongly.

I don't know if Maddi will have any memories of this special day at all, but she will hear the stories, see the pictures and I hope she will know she was surrounded by people who love her. Her Nana, made her a white blanket for the Temple and her blessing day, before she was even born. Her momma sacrificed her wedding dress, and her sweet aunt Rachelle lovingly made it into her temple/blessing dress. Her grandpa and Uncle Monte-o will act as witnesses, and her sweet auntie "Shell" will dress her in that sweet white dress, fasten the white hair clips her momma made in her hair, and we will see her enter the room with tear filled eyes. I know with all my heart that she will be surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and friends who love her, and I know that those who wait in Heaven will be there as well.

A earthly judge declared that Maddi was ours by the standards of the world, but I look forward to the declaration of our Heavenly Father, that she is ours for all of Eternity. Linked in the chain of our family...

Finally and forever ours!!

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