Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today I feel very blessed.  Although I still long for our child, I feel so blessed to have first, Declan and now Jayden in our lives.  There is something about feeding, changing, cuddling and playing with a baby that helps your love to grow.  I miss them when they are not around, I hurt for them when I hear they are sick, or have hurt them selves.  I guess with little boys, bumps and bruises are parr for the course!!
When Jayden smiles at me, when Declan climbs into my lap for a cuddle.  Even when they are both having melt downs, at the same time.. I feel blessed.  I have two babies in my life, that I get to watch grow, and change.  I feel their love and although I could never replace their mom's. I do know they love me too!!
Heavenly Father knew how empty my arms felt and he helped me to fill them, and still get a decent nights sleep!! LOL!! I bet Declan and Jayden's mom wish for a little extra sleep!!